Removal Of Your Mask

Finally being able to stop viewing life through someone else's life is a pretty surreal experience. It means that you have to actually be out in the world as you truly are, without your masks or ideas of how you are supposed to be. You have to face every situation on your own, open and scared for all of the new tribulations that will be coming you way are going to try and pound you to the ground. Sometimes we get lucky and we have someone there to hold our hand as we go through these new experiences, but other times we lose everyone and have to go through these new adventures on our own. No matter how or when you come to the point that it is time to finally be you, embracing the world is terrifying.

We, as humans, tend to create scenarios in our heads of how situations are going down. We practice what we are going to say and how we are going to act so that we could get them with as little trouble as we can manage. The only problem with this is that we can't calculate and plan for all of the chaos that is the world itself. Nothing ever seems to go according to plan, and when it does, it is through a high series of compromises and tweaks to get it to as close as you wanted in the first place. Knowing this information doesn't even seem to help as we try to set contingency plan after contingency plan. Sometimes we just have to roll through what life gives us and try to make the best out of any situation.

Stepping out from behind your cover and your protection immediately leaves you exposed for all of the world to see. The only shield you can carry with you is your confidence. It might not be able to take everything that is thrown at it, but it can just as well divert any problem that might be headed your way from even trying to begin. Confidence can help describe your person and allow for you to take those steps into the unfamiliar territory that is life.

Once you choose to make that step, you realize that it isn't just a step you are taking, but a whole leap. You are jumping out of your comfortability zone and going head first into a world of possibilities. It can be super scary, but it can be immediately exhilarating at the same time. The experience can even get overwhelming at times, but soon it all fades and it becomes normality. It becomes your everyday life and everyday experiences. The only key to making it the best possible for yourself is to remember that all the people have these same fears around you that you have. They constantly question how they are in public, how they are perceived by the people around them, if they are able to fit in and if they are looked at as weird.

Life is going to move on with or without you. It is your choice if you are going to be a part of life, it doesn't automatically include you. You'll be glad though when you do finally accomplish the feat of overcoming your fears and proceed with moving on in the world. Once you get to the point of where you can look back at everything, you will finally realize how much you have accomplished and how good it feels to know that you can close those old chapters on the previous life that you felt you would never get rid of.


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