My First Post

I don't believe myself to be the smartest, brightest, or most talented writer, but I do feel that I can use the right type of words to convey the message that I want people to comprehend. There are many ways to express one self. Some people do it through art, some people do it through photography, some people do it through humor and some people do it through mathematical equations. I like to use words to express myself and can keep my ideas interesting and relavent.

The pen is mightier than the sword. I hold this statement to be the truest statements of all time. Spreading words to the masses can implant an idea into their minds that may never disappear. An idea is like a virus and can spread throughout the populous like a plague. Once it is out there it has no vaccine and could not be stopped.

I am a male to female transgendered individual who just wants to make her own place in the world. I am looking to show others that there is strengths in being different and an individual. People won't always accept you for who you are. They could make their decisions purely on looks, biases, religion or self preservation. A lot of people don't like people that don't fit normal society. They aren't accepting of change and want the world to stay as it is. Transgenderism has been going through time being oppressed or accepted. It has always been something out of the norm.I believe that there are many issues that are addressed in the Trans community that are left open to misinterpretation. I want to express my opinions and my ideas that I believe are relevant to the community that might help one to keep their way.

I hope that others can find this blog and are able to relate to it in order to make their lives easier. I will be writing about issues that Transgendered individual go through everyday. Religion, life, society and family will all be topics that I will divulge myself into, to find answers for myself and the others that can use them in their lives.


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