How to Tell A Trans Person They Are Beautiful

  • Don’t do it right after I disclose to you that I am trans and you thought I was cis
  • Don’t do it with a condition that I shouldn’t change my body
  • Don’t expect me to believe you because I won’t and I can’t
  • There’s too many messages throughout the day that tell me:
    • That my voice isn’t pretty
    • That girls with facial hair are ugly
    • That my junk disgusts them
  • Tell me I’m beautiful
    •  and I’ll politely say thank you
  • Tell me I’m beautiful again 
    • and I’ll say I know
    • But I still can’t feel it. It only goes skin deep
  • Tell me that I am beautiful
    • I always have been and always will be
    • Say it so much that I can’t brush it off
    • Say it with enough conviction that the next time I see myself naked that the words "You are beautiful" are tattooed across my flat chest
  • Catch me by surprise:
    • Tell me I’m beautiful when I’m not expecting you to
    • When I’m not trying to be anything but myself
  • Don’t tell me I’m beautiful because I’m passing as something I’m not
  • Tell me because I am who I am whether I like it or not
  • Let me know that I am beautiful no matter what


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