New Horizons

So recently I just came out to a bunch of friends that I used to have in High School before I decided to abandon them from my life because I felt that it would be too hard to have to keep pretending to be something I wasn't around them. I lost a lot of people that way, but as it actually turns out, I didn't lose as many as I thought.

Most of the friends that I have came out to have nothing but compliments to hand out to me with a bunch of courage and support. It is super overwhelming because I thought that out of all the people that I was friends with only a handful would be supportive and actually want to move back into our friendship like it never disappeared, not missing a beat. It is pretty awesome to realize that I was always surrounded by great people, I just needed to find myself before I could realize that. As it turns out it is only a handful that probably do have a problem with my transition and they show it by refusing to accept my friend requests and since I don't want to count the negative things in my life, it can also be that they don't recognize me at all because heck, I don't even recognize myself.

All of these old friends have each done different and amazing things in their lives that I am super excited about catching up. This is a new road ahead of me and I definitely know it is for the better. I am glad to say that I have more support from unlikely places and it feels good. It definitely puts a smile on my face and gives me hope that I can make through these changes with way more people there to back me up. I just can't wait to see what the world has in store for me next.

Current feeling: Happy and excited.

Current music choice: Silversun Pickups


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