How Our Younger Generation Perceives Us

Going through blogs on the Internet that are related to transgender people always leads me to find transsexual girls that are related to the sex industry. There are many beautiful transsexual girls doing porn and nude shoots, but why does that have to be part of our younger generations influences?

Sexuality is a big part of our society, and you can't go throughout a day without seeing some expression of it in the world. Young transsexual girls are subjected to it the same way that regular young cis girls are. They dream of growing up looking like Disney princesses and having an ideal body that expresses femininity. They don't realize all the hardships that come from both sides to reach those ideal figures.

Being accepted as a female is the what the majority of transsexual girls want. We want to wake up and know that they could walk out there front door without people calling us names and shaming us from society. Everyday is a constant battle for us and we lose girls to the negative responses that we get on a daily basis.

Transsexual porn stars portray themselves as a middle gender or a third sex. They either play the role of the girl or the guy in their productions. They put themselves into a category that forces them next to kink fetishes that normal porn doesn't touch. They make their money this way and for some of them it makes them quite wealthy. What these women don't realize is that they are influencing the girls that look up to them and idolize them. Even though they are not stating values with their words, they are telling the young trans-girls that is alright to be in the middle of the gender spectrum. What they fail to realize is that according to society there is only two sexes and that is female or male.

We need to stop portraying to the world that we are third sex; an in between man and woman. The main objective of transitioning is to become the gender that you feel you are. Trans-women are sexy and can portray that to the world, but what does that tell the world: it tells it that you are aren't a woman or a man. If we want the rights that we deserve and need, then we need to move on past the point of in between the genders. We need to stop allowing derogatory names as shemale, shim, tranny, ladyboy, and any of the others that the hateful people call us give name to us. We are who we want to be. We strive to be perceived as the other gender, but why do some of us force ourselves to be classified out of the gender spectrum.

We need to teach the younger girls that reposting traps, pictures of penises in panties, boys fooling around in women's clothing, and other negative perceptions that they aren't helping us. We need to move past that point and into the reality that we are female and we can live our lives out as one. We can post normal pics of us living our lives as we see fit. No more trying to fit in because we are who we are and no nay sayer should tell us any different. We need to stop pretending to be gender fucked and be gender conscious. We need to stop promoting our negativity and move to equal grounds as cis individuals. There is no reason why we can't accomplish this.

But remember, you can always be proud to be trans, I am not saying any different. I am not saying is wrong to be a porn star and that they are evil. I am not saying that we should not promote transgenderism. I am saying that if we are going to get the rights we need and deserve, that we need to start accepting ourselves as the genders that we know we are and want to be. We need to stop allowing for the world to portray us negatively and stop ourselves from doing the same.


Abbie K. Pope said...

I don't think that transgender pornography is necessarily negative. I do understand how the current labels for trans women can be limiting. I'm kind of on the fence, but I do agree with much of your post.

Unknown said...

No transgender pornography is not entirely negative at all. It does empower some of the women who do perform and allows for them to make money in a world where they are shunned, but also is the only view that some people take with them and they rely on that view to assume that ever transgender woman is exactly like the ones in porn. That overall stigma does cause us to get negative light shown on transgender woman in a whole. The woman the end up becoming post up lose their whole standing and end up shunned by the community they once might have been big in and are still subjugated to the premise of being male. It is a sad sick world that we live in, but it is the only world we have right now. Yes, we are paving the way for our future generations to accomplish tons and move past the points that we are struggling with, but the price we pay is devastating and miserable. It might not be today, tomorrow or in the near future, but we will earn our rights we deserve and moving towards them has to take everything into account. I have nothing against porn or transgender porn, I just hate that it is used as double bladed sword.

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