Things Parents Forget to Tell Their Children

We live in a world where every person is unique and can go throughout the world in their own style. Parents need to realize that at the end of the day that their kids are going to be themselves no matter how hard they try to shape them to be something else. Accept your kids for who they are and tell them some relavent truths:
  • Bodies are hairy. No matter the gender, your face will have hair and that is more than okay.
  • Your nipples, your tummy,your armpits and your butthole will have hair too.
  • Stretch marks are going to appear no matter what, unless you don't have skin.
  • It is ok to be short, tall or in-between.
  • It is ok to have big feet or small feet, shoe size does not matter.
  • Vaginas smell. Every vagina has a scent. Don’t worry about it! (Unless something seems wrong, then go get it checked out. No need to feel embarrassed or ashamed.)
  • Vaginas come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. They are all beautiful.
  • Penises come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. They are all beautiful.
  • You don’t need to shave anything if you don’t want to. It’s not mandatory. 
  • You can shave everything. It is your body.
  • Sometimes people get butt acne, back acne and face acne. 
  • You can have a vagina and want short hair and think dresses are just the worst.
  • You can have a penis and want long hair and think dresses are just the best. 
  • You can wear whatever you want and style your hair however you want.
  • You can even think whatever the hell you want.
  • People might tell you that you are a girl because you have a vagina. People might tell you that you are a boy because you have a penis. People will tell you what your gender is. But in reality, you don’t have to be that gender. You don’t have to be either of those genders. 
  • You are what you are and it’s just the worst thing if you try and hide that.
  • At the end of the day you are still loved because you are my kid.


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