Defining Yourself As Trans

Recently I got caught up in the hate of someone either really confused on trans issues or someone pretending to be a trans activist and creating chaos around the community. The reason I had to tried talk to this individual was that I felt what she was doing was wrong.

I took a highly defensive stance once this individual claimed the above statement. Janet Mock has done much for the community and has devoted much of her life towards getting more rights for the trans community. She is a leader and fighter. Not only was this person trying to cause a rift, but also going against every trans individual that looked up to her. 

In the next tweets she tried to change her stance and attack individuals that didn't or couldn't afford to go through SRS. She claimed that all the trans women who did not receive surgery weren't fully committed to becoming women and were not truly women, just fetish seekers.

I took much offense to this and decided to go on a rant that was taken out of context and used by a fellow trans women to personally attack me for having a view on how I define a transgender individual. Here is the tweets that had caused her to get all riled up:

In this set of tweets I did agree that there were confused individuals amongst our ranks as trans women as there are amongst any group that has a following. I have had personal experience with supposed girls that were pretending to be trans so that they could be sexual predators and try to scam other trans women into exchanging pictures or personal information that was then used to target them. I messed up agreeing that they are confused gay men, but when you have only a 140 character limit, you try to make use of the space that you have. I tried to explain myself to her, but she wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. She would rather prefer to use derogatory language and hate instead of trying to help correct me or show me how to voice my ideas in a better light.

Then she decided to attack me for this point of view. I shouldn't have blanketed all trans women under this term, but I did. This is my view and even though people won't always agree with it, it is how I see the world.

To clear up what I meant in calling us a third gender, in my personal view I don't see us falling in a category that is male or female. We can align ourselves to meet what society views as a gender norm, but scientifically we are related to the sex we are born with. Trans women are born male, with a chromosome build of XY. They have organs and anatomy that aligns with their XY chromosomes. To me this does not make you a man, You get to choose if you are a man or not, but if you end up having issues with your born anatomy, you would have to take them on medically as what you were born with: ie - if you get prostate cancer you don't want doctors who operate on female anatomy.

I see myself as a woman. You might see yourself as a man. Someone might see themselves as in between. These are all personal views. How do I cover all of them in one term? Third gender. I now know that all trans women don't agree with me and one clearly made light of that, but it is my own personal belief as I believe there is a God.

I am not taking away anything from the trans community by classifying myself as third gender. I am not telling anyone that they aren't a woman or a man. You can be whatever it is that you want to be in life and the world will just have to accept it. I wish for trans rights and I will fight as hard as I could with the small voice that I have. There will be more people out there to trip people up and ruin what we have created for ourselves. In our ranks we need to teach and nurture the girls who are ill informed so that they can see a clearer picture. We need not to attack those who are different because we each are different in every aspect of life.

Finally I leave off with: If you have an issue with someone tell them why you have the issue instead of assaulting them with vulgar words of hate. They may have not realize what they did wrong or how they offended you. You never know, it just might be their tipping point too. We are all sisters in this fight and we still have a tough road in front of us.


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