How to Tell A Trans Person They Are Beautiful


  • Don’t do it right after I disclose to you that I am trans and you thought I was cis
  • Don’t do it with a condition that I shouldn’t change my body
  • Don’t expect me to believe you because I won’t and I can’t
  • There’s too many messages throughout the day that tell me:
    • That my voice isn’t pretty
    • That girls with facial hair are ugly
    • That my junk disgusts them
  • Tell me I’m beautiful
    •  and I’ll politely say thank you
  • Tell me I’m beautiful again 
    • and I’ll say I know
    • But I still can’t feel it. It only goes skin deep
  • Tell me that I am beautiful
    • I always have been and always will be
    • Say it so much that I can’t brush it off
    • Say it with enough conviction that the next time I see myself naked that the words "You are beautiful" are tattooed across my flat chest
  • Catch me by surprise:
    • Tell me I’m beautiful when I’m not expecting you to
    • When I’m not trying to be anything but myself
  • Don’t tell me I’m beautiful because I’m passing as something I’m not
  • Tell me because I am who I am whether I like it or not
  • Let me know that I am beautiful no matter what

Things Parents Forget to Tell Their Children


We live in a world where every person is unique and can go throughout the world in their own style. Parents need to realize that at the end of the day that their kids are going to be themselves no matter how hard they try to shape them to be something else. Accept your kids for who they are and tell them some relavent truths:
  • Bodies are hairy. No matter the gender, your face will have hair and that is more than okay.
  • Your nipples, your tummy,your armpits and your butthole will have hair too.
  • Stretch marks are going to appear no matter what, unless you don't have skin.
  • It is ok to be short, tall or in-between.
  • It is ok to have big feet or small feet, shoe size does not matter.
  • Vaginas smell. Every vagina has a scent. Don’t worry about it! (Unless something seems wrong, then go get it checked out. No need to feel embarrassed or ashamed.)
  • Vaginas come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. They are all beautiful.
  • Penises come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. They are all beautiful.
  • You don’t need to shave anything if you don’t want to. It’s not mandatory. 
  • You can shave everything. It is your body.
  • Sometimes people get butt acne, back acne and face acne. 
  • You can have a vagina and want short hair and think dresses are just the worst.
  • You can have a penis and want long hair and think dresses are just the best. 
  • You can wear whatever you want and style your hair however you want.
  • You can even think whatever the hell you want.
  • People might tell you that you are a girl because you have a vagina. People might tell you that you are a boy because you have a penis. People will tell you what your gender is. But in reality, you don’t have to be that gender. You don’t have to be either of those genders. 
  • You are what you are and it’s just the worst thing if you try and hide that.
  • At the end of the day you are still loved because you are my kid.

The Vice Guide to Being Trans


Paris Lee wrote an article for covering the do's and don'ts of being transgendered. She covers a lot of good information, but it is mostly written for the gay community on how to deal with trans-women, being a trans or thinking about becoming a trans. It is a real raw look at the world of being a trans-woman, but it holds its truth.

I really recommend reading this article in its entirety as she points out society in its purest form of evil. If you want to look at the full article click here to be taken to

We Transgendered Are Accepted by Christ


People of Faith who claim that transgendered individuals are sins against God and are going to burn in Hell, might want to re-read the bible more closely. The scripture that they preach and hold as sacred might also be their biggest downfall.

The so called Christians, the ones that attack with hate, quote scriptures from the Bible that pertain to men making laws for their people so that they didn't fall from God's grace. The book of Deuteronomy, which these Christians so hastily quote, was created at a time when the Jewish priests were partitioning for more power over the Jewish people. They created laws that they believed were to lead more people to stay on the Path of God then they were doing already. (Scholars believed the book to be written by Moses in the 14th century BCE, but now know that it showed up around the 7th century BCE.) If these so called Christians were to live completely by the Bible then most of their lives would be a contradiction.

1 Samuel 16:7: "But the  Lord  said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The  Lord  does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance,  but the  Lord  looks at the heart."

This passage states that you should not judge one on appearance, that God knows the heart of the individual and that God judges them on that standard. This supports transgenderism and transsexuality because of one is full of hate because they are not who they perceive themselves to be then there heart would be foul.

John 7:24: "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly."

This is a command from Jesus to stop judging people according to their mere appearances and go beyond what our eyes see. This can mean acceptance for transgender people because it doesn't matter how are bodies look, but how our soul looks to God.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Those who oppose gender transitioning interpret this passage as requiring a person to accept both their body and spirit as a creation of God. They might use it to say hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgery will be accounted as sin. As a transgendered individual, this scripture to me reads that my body is a temple and that I will honor God with my body transitioned to female. It is such as a temple every once in awhile needs a touch up or makeover, my body too will be made over for God.

Deuteronomy 22:5: "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the  Lord  your God detests anyone who does this.  "

This verse is the most commonly used verse among hateful Christians to attack transgendered individuals with. Yet it is the most ignored passage amongst those same people. Today women commonly wear jeans, slacks and other articles of clothing that were originally entitled to men. If these hateful Christians were to live by this passage's standards, how do you think their closets would look.

What if a man was supposed to be a woman and on the inside the man was a woman. Then the word designates that the man or woman that knows that they are of the opposite sex should dress as the sex that they believe they are and others should not oppose it.

Psalms 139:13-14: "For you created my inmost being;  you knit me together  in my mother's womb. I praise you  because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful,  I know that full well."

This passage from Psalms shows that God created us exactly the way he wanted us. God gave us our Gender Identity Disorder because that is who he wanted us to be. This passage clearly states that we should be accepted as equal to a cis person.

Isaiah 56:4-5: "For this is what the  Lord  says: "To the eunuchs  who keep my Sabbaths,  who choose what pleases me  and hold fast to my covenant — to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever."

This scripture shows that God loves his transgendered children even higher than his normal sons and daughters. For transgender people to stay true to God they are given everlasting life.

Matthew 19:11-12: "Jesus replied,  "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

In this piece of scripture, Jesus is preaching that transgender people are an accepted form of living life and that they are accepted.

Acts 8:26-39: "Now an angel  of the Lord said to Philip,  "Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian  eunuch,  an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means "queen of the Ethiopians"). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told  Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it." Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked.  "How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading: "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter,  and as a lamb before its shearer is silent,  so he did not open his mouth. In his humiliation he was deprived of justice.  Who can speak of his descendants?  For his life was taken from the earth." The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" Then Philip began  with that very passage of Scripture  and told him the good news  about Jesus.  As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?" 37 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.  39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away,  and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.

In this story of Philip and the Ethiopian, God tells Philip to go with a Eunuch so that he must baptize him so that he can spread the word of the Lord. This can mean that men and women who are transgendered can proclaim and rejoice in the name of the Lord.

John 1:17: "For the law was given through Moses;  grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

With Jesus the law of Moses came to an end or the law of the Priests from 7 century BCE came to an end which is why it says truth in this passage.

Galatians 3:11: "Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God,  because "the righteous will live by faith." 

Galatians 3:17-29: "What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise;  but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise. Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. A mediator,  however, implies more than one party; but God is one."

What this shows is that the law created by the Priest in Deuteronomy isn't to live by, but the faith in God that he will do what is right. The coming of Jesus Christ ended the promise with Abraham and allowed for the new promise Jesus left with the world.

So this shows that God loves his transgendered children. He accepts them into his kingdom and allows for them to worship and serve him. We are all loved under God's power and grace.

The final passage from the bible that I leave you with is John 3:16: For God so loved  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,  that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  

How Our Younger Generation Perceives Us


Going through blogs on the Internet that are related to transgender people always leads me to find transsexual girls that are related to the sex industry. There are many beautiful transsexual girls doing porn and nude shoots, but why does that have to be part of our younger generations influences?

Sexuality is a big part of our society, and you can't go throughout a day without seeing some expression of it in the world. Young transsexual girls are subjected to it the same way that regular young cis girls are. They dream of growing up looking like Disney princesses and having an ideal body that expresses femininity. They don't realize all the hardships that come from both sides to reach those ideal figures.

Being accepted as a female is the what the majority of transsexual girls want. We want to wake up and know that they could walk out there front door without people calling us names and shaming us from society. Everyday is a constant battle for us and we lose girls to the negative responses that we get on a daily basis.

Transsexual porn stars portray themselves as a middle gender or a third sex. They either play the role of the girl or the guy in their productions. They put themselves into a category that forces them next to kink fetishes that normal porn doesn't touch. They make their money this way and for some of them it makes them quite wealthy. What these women don't realize is that they are influencing the girls that look up to them and idolize them. Even though they are not stating values with their words, they are telling the young trans-girls that is alright to be in the middle of the gender spectrum. What they fail to realize is that according to society there is only two sexes and that is female or male.

We need to stop portraying to the world that we are third sex; an in between man and woman. The main objective of transitioning is to become the gender that you feel you are. Trans-women are sexy and can portray that to the world, but what does that tell the world: it tells it that you are aren't a woman or a man. If we want the rights that we deserve and need, then we need to move on past the point of in between the genders. We need to stop allowing derogatory names as shemale, shim, tranny, ladyboy, and any of the others that the hateful people call us give name to us. We are who we want to be. We strive to be perceived as the other gender, but why do some of us force ourselves to be classified out of the gender spectrum.

We need to teach the younger girls that reposting traps, pictures of penises in panties, boys fooling around in women's clothing, and other negative perceptions that they aren't helping us. We need to move past that point and into the reality that we are female and we can live our lives out as one. We can post normal pics of us living our lives as we see fit. No more trying to fit in because we are who we are and no nay sayer should tell us any different. We need to stop pretending to be gender fucked and be gender conscious. We need to stop promoting our negativity and move to equal grounds as cis individuals. There is no reason why we can't accomplish this.

But remember, you can always be proud to be trans, I am not saying any different. I am not saying is wrong to be a porn star and that they are evil. I am not saying that we should not promote transgenderism. I am saying that if we are going to get the rights we need and deserve, that we need to start accepting ourselves as the genders that we know we are and want to be. We need to stop allowing for the world to portray us negatively and stop ourselves from doing the same.

A Great Story on Acceptance


A transgender story: My daughter, my son


A mother's struggle to accept that her daughter is now her son.

October 7, 2012
Sarah, once my daughter, is now Finn, a member of the transgender community. Those are hard words to write.

I want to love the man my daughter has become, but floundering in the torrent of her change and my resistance to it, I fear I'll never make it across my river of anger and sorrow.

I think about Sarah growing up, how she always acted with courage and fortitude. In junior high she studied Russian because it was "a challenge." In high school she proved she wasn't too small to play water polo goalie.

In college she announced she was gay. I hoped her lesbianism might be a passing phase, but instead Sarah began to dress in male clothes and bind her breasts. On her Facebook page, she announced she'd changed her name to Finn.

Trying to be supportive, I called her SarahFinn.

Then one December day, just before her father and I were leaving on a vacation, a handwritten letter on lined paper ripped from a notebook arrived in our mailbox.

"I want to be completely honest about who I am and what's going on in my life," our daughter wrote. "I went to Florida, had my breasts removed and am now taking hormones." She said she feared being rejected but told us our relationship meant a lot to her.

Frantically we tried to reach her by phone in Oregon, without success. My husband talked me out of canceling our trip and flying to visit her. A week away to calm ourselves, he insisted, would be for the best.

When we returned, we all agreed that a phone conversation would not do, and Finn promised to visit us in Los Angeles after New Year's.

While waiting, I read voraciously. I knew so little about issues of gender identity. When travel writer James Morris had reassignment surgery in 1972, becoming Jan Morris, I was a mother with two toddlers and had neither the time nor inclination to learn more.

Now the issue was knocking at my door. I started reading firsthand accounts of people like Jennifer Finney Boylan, who described how uncomfortable she had felt in her own skin. But the stories only increased my discomfort. It was painful to think that my child, whom I had believed to be generally happy, had in truth been miserable.

Every parent knows her child's life cannot be stress free, but the books I was reading showed me just how much she must have suffered for the secret she kept from friends, siblings and parents. How had it felt to put a dress on for the prom? To go on sleepovers? To long to be who you weren't?

I began to feel more sympathy for her, but I still struggled with my feelings. A transgender child brings a parent face to face with death. The daughter I had known and loved was gone; a stranger with facial hair and a deep voice had taken her place.

Everything was painful. Seeing a photo of Sarah as the kindergarten circus ringmaster brought tears. I wondered whether it all could have been prevented, and found myself idly thinking things like: If I'd let her do kick-boxing, would she still be Sarah?

Writing, usually a comfort, became a chore. My mind, filled with the rapidly changing story of my child, left no room for fiction.

Finn put off coming to visit until spring, so we began to "talk" via email.

"Your sadness is a hard thing to carry," Finn wrote.

I replied: "You can't expect us to jump for joy."

"You think I'm a freak of nature," Finn wrote back.

"Not a freak of nature, however I'm worried that you are troubled."

"I have friends. I'm on the dean's list. I exercise regularly, cook, and push myself to learn. Does that sound like a troubled person?"

I had to admit it didn't.

A new honesty was developing between us.

Then Finn arrived.

The first day we went out for lunch and I tried again to understand her — I couldn't yet say "his" — motivation and actions. Finn in turn wanted to know why we couldn't just accept the changes. The conversation ended in tears.

Later we spoke with a gender-friendly therapist, and although I cried and my husband sulked, we seemed to be moving forward. At the therapist's request we tried to call our child Finn. The name was difficult, and the pronouns even harder. "She" often slipped out. So did the word "daughter."

Finn seemed to finally get a glimpse of how painful this was for his parents.

Still, when he returned to Oregon, the goodbye at the airport was short and quick; the hug strained.

Then three things happened.

The first was that my granddaughter took one of the books I had written to share with her kindergarten class. She explained: "It's dedicated to Henya, my mother, Jonathon, my uncle, Alan, my uncle and Sarah, who used to be my aunt but now is my uncle." I longed to feel that same casual acceptance.

The second was a comment from a friend. Trying to make me feel better, she said, "When you have four children, you're bound to have one who is a failure."

The words shocked me. Was Finn a failure? I certainly didn't want to think so, but unless I was willing to let go of my judgments, it was hard to see how else to think of him.

And then came the third event: I had an epiphany. One morning, in a half-asleep, half-awake state, I realized what Sarah had done to be true to herself was brave and incredibly courageous.

Seeing Finn's action in that light gave me cause for celebration. He was the same person he had been as a she.

Last week Finn came home for a visit. He took photographs for an art school project. We laughed over coffee, made our favorite goat cheese pizza, gossiped about family and reminisced about old times.

I realized what I should have known all along: The packaging may be different, but what's inside Finn is unchanged.

There will be days when feelings of what-might-have-been will return. I'm still struggling to swim across my river of sorrow and anger to join Finn on the far bank.

But I feel like I might be getting close.

Ann Whitford Paul latest children's books are "Word Builder" and "Tortuga in Trouble." She is also the author of a book for adults, "Writing Picture Books: A Hands-On Guide from Story Creation to Publication."

<strong>I hope that my people around me will be able to join me whilst I find myself like this mother was able to. Losing family and friends is part of change, but going for happiness is far worth it. My happiness is worth it. </strong>



I know I am not the best looking gal in the world, but when I see myself looking back the way that I want to I am happy and that is what really matters.

My First Post


I don't believe myself to be the smartest, brightest, or most talented writer, but I do feel that I can use the right type of words to convey the message that I want people to comprehend. There are many ways to express one self. Some people do it through art, some people do it through photography, some people do it through humor and some people do it through mathematical equations. I like to use words to express myself and can keep my ideas interesting and relavent.

The pen is mightier than the sword. I hold this statement to be the truest statements of all time. Spreading words to the masses can implant an idea into their minds that may never disappear. An idea is like a virus and can spread throughout the populous like a plague. Once it is out there it has no vaccine and could not be stopped.

I am a male to female transgendered individual who just wants to make her own place in the world. I am looking to show others that there is strengths in being different and an individual. People won't always accept you for who you are. They could make their decisions purely on looks, biases, religion or self preservation. A lot of people don't like people that don't fit normal society. They aren't accepting of change and want the world to stay as it is. Transgenderism has been going through time being oppressed or accepted. It has always been something out of the norm.I believe that there are many issues that are addressed in the Trans community that are left open to misinterpretation. I want to express my opinions and my ideas that I believe are relevant to the community that might help one to keep their way.

I hope that others can find this blog and are able to relate to it in order to make their lives easier. I will be writing about issues that Transgendered individual go through everyday. Religion, life, society and family will all be topics that I will divulge myself into, to find answers for myself and the others that can use them in their lives.