Transwomen vs. Transwomen


I don't know where to begin. There is too many things to address on this subject. Everyday transwomen face an abundance of opposition from different multiple groups. Some of these groups target transwomen in a whole, but a lot of the time it seems to me that they attack individuals who identify as transwomen because it is easier to demolish one person than a whole group. This is the saddest part of society that we have to deal with. From going out in the streets, to our families or even having an online presence. All of these are avenues of attack that many anti-trans people verbally, emotionally and physically assualt trans individuals.

With as many places that there are for transwomen to be attacked, why is that transowmen attack each other on almost a daily basis?

I see it a lot across the internet and I have viewed it in personally in society. I see transwomen calling out people for not being femminine enough, not wanting to go through SRS/GRS, or doing things that are considered too manly for a woman to do. I am not pointing fingers to any exact individual, but they know who they are.

I find a prime example that happened in a meeting that Vivian Taylor had in this article:
Quick summary if you don't want to read on the meeting: She is set up to meet with an older transwoman for tips and then is attacked by the transwoman for not being feminine enough and not trying to blend in so that she is not called out by society.

The major problem that I see with that is that what makes a woman a woman? What is that defining statement that makes it so? Can anyone really point it out?

As our society matures more and more women are finding that they can enter into anything that a man can. On a lot of new levels they are accepted as equals. In others, they are still fighting for the equal rights. Not one woman is exactly like another. There is not one woman that is a Stepford Wife. They all have different dreams and aspirations. They all are unique and able to do anything that they want to put their minds to. If they want to fall outside of gender norms and identify with masculine paraphernalia they are totally entitled to.

The same thing goes for transwoman. Nothing says that we can't continue to identify with masculine things if we want to transition to becoming female. It is not like we just wake up one day and say, "Hey, you know what? I think I am going to transition to becoming female just so I can make my life harder than it already is and add tons of oppression to it because it is something I feel like doing." No. We transition because we are already born women and want to be able to convert our bodies to look the way we perceive that they should look in our minds. This does not mean that we should just go and drop all of things that we have learned to like or just end up liking because they don't fall in line with gender normalities. We are allowed to like anything that we want and identify any way want because it is a basic freedom that is given to us.

Some people will go their whole life not being able to accept trans people and that is perfectly okay. It is their lost. Though what is not okay is for trans people not to accept others that might be in the same situations as them, but don't fully view the same views as them. We need to stick together to accomplish getting our basic rights and freedoms to be treated the same as cis people are. Even if you are trans and don't want to make yourself publicly known as an advocate, you can still help by giving encouragement to those who cross paths with you that you know who are trans. Don't ever discourage a transwoman because we all know how hard it is to be a transgender individual in the society that we live in. We all need support even if we fully able to be stealth and never have to deal with a trans issue again because there will always be a part of us that we won't fully accept.

Transwomen really need to unite on all fronts and learn to be able to accept all the differences there are under the trans umbrella. We need to realize that not everyone will conform to one side or another for gender normality. We need to try to accept everyone with their different levels because we never know when they might need our support the most. Even though some might not like to think so, we are all connected to each other in our fight for acceptance and even when that fight is over we will be united under sisterhood. Lastly we need to unite for our future generations, for the girls and boys that we used to be: confused, misguided and scared. We need to unite to show them that it is safe and that in this world they can come to terms with themselves while being able to express who they are no matter what it is.