Stepping Up


A lot of people don't know me and I am ok with that. I am ok with passing through life as another just another being that you might come across. You do not know my thoughts and I do not know yours. I don't pretend that I have walked a mile in your shoes as you should not pretend to have walked a mile in mine. So when you blatantly pretend that you know anything about me or people in my situation, please take a step back and realize the ignorance in your statements and the hate that you are spewing from your mouth. Take a second to learn something about us and formulate an opinion on knowledge and not blind anger or hate. You just might realize we aren't the abominations that hateful people perceive us to be.

There have been many issues popping up in the current media about transgender issues and the people attacking individuals that don't fit to their supposed society norm that just saddens and sickens me. Even after these individuals cried for help and/or ended it all, the media still pushed and attacked. What makes it OK to hate? What? What makes it OK to attack individuals that already have it hard going through situations that others can't even fathom? What makes it OK for other people to let it slide by unnoticed and unhitched about it?

I am transgender, but that doesn't make me less than a person. I hurt, bleed, and breath just like any other person on this planet. Words hurt just as much as fist and sometimes more. The sad thing is most people don't realize how hurtful they actually are. They don't realize how much pain and suffering that they could cause with a simple set of words that really takes no effort at all stringing together.

This article isn't only fashioned to protecting the transgender community from bullying, but created for everyone. No one is perfect and all of us have weaknesses. We all can't be the perfect weight, have the perfect bone structures, the perfect body type, the perfect brain and for some of us the perfect gender. What we do have is humanity and love. Care for your brothers and sisters as you would like them to care for you. Humanity is great when we come together. We need to stop letting our biased opinions and hateful views slip through the cracks. We need to stop allowing for bullying to exist in our homes, in our schools and our workplaces. It only takes one person to make a difference in the world. The only question is: Is that person going to be you?